Here at Worldwide Relocations, we cover every aspect of your move to help make your transition to Thailand as smooth as possible. Our experts are on hand to ensure you obtain a business visa before coming to Thailand and will guide you through every step of the process to get your work permit, re-entry permits and extend your visa once you arrive. If you want to get your visa right the first time, give us a call. We are here to help.

In order to legally work in Thailand there are three main steps:

  1. Obtain a 90 day Non-Immigrant B visa prior to your arrival in Thailand
  2. Once you arrive in Thailand, you need to apply for a work permit
  3. Once your work permit is granted, you need to apply to extend your 90 day Non-Immigrant B visa to 12 months

The final process is to obtain a re-entry permit, which allows you to exit and re-enter Thailand without voiding your business visa

Please be advised the following information is current at the date of publication, and we will endeavor to keep it updated as the requirements change. If you’re interesting in our assistance on any of these services, please contact us today.

Non-Immigrant B (business visa)

Thai Visa When you want to work in Thailand, whether you’re are applying for a job opening or starting a business, the first step is to obtain a business visa. Technically the business visa is known as the Non-Immigrant B visa, and applicants are recommended to apply for this initially via the Thai Embassy in their home country before coming to Thailand. You can find the link to local Thai embassies here.

The process for applying for this visa is straightforward, and applicants need to follow these steps:

  1. Have a passport with a minimum 6-month validity past your arrival date in Thailand.
  2. Fill the relevant application forms and all additional documentation as requested by the Thai embassy in your home country.
  3. Pay the application fee.
  4. Produce your invitation letter from your new employer in Thailand, or a confirmation letter clarifying your reason for travelling to Thailand.
  5. Provide proof of your financial funds, and travel itinerary to Thailand.

Submitting this documentation can be done in person, or via mail (depending on the procedures of your local Thai embassy). Normally, the processing time will be between 5-10 working days to receive approval, and we will check the specifics of this with the embassy in which you’re applying. After a successful application, you will be granted a Non-Immigrant B visa, which is valid for 90 days from your entry into Thailand.

For more detailed information please refer to the Thai Embassy’s website.

Work Permit

Work Permit ThailandOn arrival in Thailand, you need to obtain a work permit. This is a document that allows a foreigner to be employed, as there are particular requirements that must be met for an organization to hire a foreigner. Without the correct work permit, a person working illegally can expect fines and imprisonment if they are caught, a situation no one wants to be in. We’re here to ensure you have all the proper documentation, and make it as seamless as possible to start your new employment in Thailand.

In order for a company to be able to issue a work permit to a foreigner, the following two criteria need to be met:

  1. The company has a minimum 2 million THB in registered capitalization, which is fully paid up. If the foreigner has a Thai spouse, this requirement is reduced to 1 million THB.
  2. There must be a minimum of 4 Thai employees for every foreign staff member

Of particular importance in your work permit application is your job description. A written outline of the job is one of the required documents, and it is critical this covers the required skills you have, which are unable to be sourced in Thailand for the job you are starting. Worldwide Relocations will ensure this is done correctly, and you can expect it to take approximately 7 working days for your work permit application to be processed and approved.

Extension of stay

Once you have obtained your work permit, we will assist your application to extend your stay in Thailand from the 90 days on your initial visa to 12 months. This process begins with an application form that must be submitted during the last month (i.e. before your initial visa expires).

The full list of documents for extending your Non-Immigrant B visa are available here.

Leaving the country

Thai Visa StampedIf you depart Thailand without a re-entry permit, your current visa will expire, and you will need to obtain another Non-Immigrant visa at an embassy outside Thailand to enable you to re-enter and continue working. To prevent this from happening, a re-entry permit is required. There are two options, a single re-entry permit which can be used once, and a multiple re-entry permit which can be used as many times as you like. The validity of these is tied to the expiration date of your current visa, which will be 90 days in the first instance, and 12 months once you have your extension of stay granted. Our staff can assist you to obtain the required re-entry permit at the immigration department, so you don’t have to worry the next time you leave the country.

90 day reporting

For foreigners staying in Thailand on 12 month visas, you are required to notify immigration every 90 days of your current address, and your intent to stay in the country. There are two options you can take, either filling in the appropriate documentation and presenting it yourself (or via an agent) at the immigration department, or travelling outside the country on an multiple re-entry permit.

Full details surrounding the 90 day reporting process are available here.

Family members

Once your visa is granted, your family members are also eligible to apply for Non-Immigrant visa’s under category “O” to join you in Thailand. This applies to your spouse, your parents, and any dependent children under the age of 20. Our team will assist to ensure every family member gets the appropriate visa, so your move to Thailand is hassle free.

Here at Worldwide Relocations, we aim to make the process of moving to Thailand as easy as possible. Trust our relocation specialists to complete the details of each application for you and get the relevant supporting documents together, so you can focus on establishing your new life here in Thailand. Moving overseas should be easy, and that’s what our experts do best.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you.

All information is correct at time of publishing, for further information please refer to the Thai Embassy’s site on Non-Immigrant B visa requirements.